Breathing for Athletes
Performing at your best, achieving a State of Flow at the highest levels of competition,...
Breathing and Inflammation
When you look at many chronic diseases that afflict humans, you’ll find that inflammation is...
Breathwork and Yoga
Why is there so much focus on the breath in yoga? What is the link between yoga...
Science uncovers the secret of shallow water blackouts
The risk of shallow water blackouts has been common knowledge for free divers and spear...
Getting high on your own supply since the Stone Age
The Breatheology Method teaches you that the breath connects the mind, body and spirit. This...
How Breathing Shapes Our Brain: The Science of Memory, Emotion, and the Breatheology Method
In the Breatheology Method, breath is more than a means of supplying oxygen to the...
What is your Breath Intelligence (BQ)?
Breathing is our life force. We breathe between 20.000 and 30.000 times a day. Unfortunately,...
Meet Breatheology at Boot Düsseldorf in Hall 12 / B09 from Jan 18 to Jan 26
This upcoming week Breatheology will be present at Boot Düsseldorf 2020. This event is the...
Science Agrees: The Vagus Nerve Leads To Well-Being And Less Stress
The first thing that Stig Severinsen tells us to do, is take a deep breath....
Nobel prize in medicine awarded to hypoxia researchers
Three scientists have shared this year’s Nobel prize in physiology or medicine for discovering how...
PTSD & Anxiety Liberation
The PTSD Liberation Workshop in California – Meditation in water PTSD and anxiety training is...
Master Your Nervous System
The part of the nervous system that cannot be controlled by our will is called...
Asthma – Breathe To Cure!
Asthma – a new “pandemic”? There has been a drastic increase in the number of...
Blood – Natural Doping!
The main role of blood When you breathe and air enters your lungs, oxygen is...
Nitrogen Oxide – A Pleasant Poison!
The unknown “miracle” gas! Breathe through your nose! This applies to everybody, everywhere and at...
Vibration Therapy
Good Vibrations… More and more research is focusing on examining the many complex mechanisms that...
Your incredible nose
Use your nose! When air enters your nose, the many small hairs in your nose...
Yoga – Universal Health
Yoga – an ancient remedy? The great idea of yoga is that everything is connected...
Ashtanga Yoga
Ashtanga is the basis of yoga. The word originates from Sanskrit and means “with eight limbs”. In...