Adrian Constantinescu
By gathering and correlating information from different traditions and authentic knowledge systems (heart imagery and meditation, breathwork, Qi Gong) one of its highest goals is to put people at hand with concrete and sustainable tools to understand what it means to live in the heart and how to build from here a more conscious life, more fulfilling and more tuned to divine will.
The research he undertakes and shares according to the principles of the holographic universe goes beyond the sphere of individual development and extends to the family, community, social and business environment.
Credentials (in chronological order):
- School of Remembering certified teacher (Awakening the Illuminated Heart – Drunvalo Melchizedek);
- Breath Mastery certified practitioner (Conscious Breathing and Rebirthing – Dan Brule);
- Original Feeling Touch certified teacher (Andrew Fretwell);
- The School of the Heart certified teacher (Heart Imagery, Journeys into the Heart and Kriya Yoga – Daniel Mitel);
- Gene Keys Ambassador (Richard Rudd);
- HeartMath licensed coach (HeartMath UK+IRL)
- Breatheology certified instructor (Stig Avall Severinsen)
- Universal Healing TAO associated instructor (Mantak Chia)
- Trainer, Counselor for Personal Development and Astrologer

Adrian Constantinescu
Certified Breatheology Instructor™
Bucharest, Romania
Languages: English, Romanian