Oliver Wilfling MBA
The aim and purpose is to convey values that are conveyed in a playfully simple and clear way. People of all ages can be excellently promoted by combining breathing and exercise. The goal is a better integrated interaction between body perception and movement, emotion, thinking and acting. The combination of breathing and exercise creates basic conditions for the self-responsible and creative handling of the challenges of life.
I want to offer a platform that allows people from all nations, all ages or social backgrounds to develop creatively. I also encourage people to build up knowledge and self-confidence in order to achieve their goals:
– Promoting lifelong (sports) activities
– Through breathing, pass on a conscious basic attitude that prepares people for the world and life
– Facilitating access to movement and culture
– Inclusion
– Conveying values
– Promoting people with all their potential

Oliver Wilfling MBA
Certified Breatheology Instructor™Feldkirch, Austria
Languages: English, German, Portuguese
Web: idealcapoeira.com