Hi, my name is Ricardo, and live in Lisbon, Portugal. I’ve been surfing for over 40 years now, and therefore 90% of my work is with surf athletes.
In the past 2 years, I have had the opportunity to train and instruct Breathing and Apnea for Surfing to more than 400 surfers, from beginners to big wave professional surfers from Nazaré.
Breatheology instructor program, not only fits 100% of my client’s needs but allows room to include all my previous background and experience. My approach is client’s needs and goals first. From there on, I would love to build the training program that most fit the desired outcome.
Although I’m based in Lisbon, plenty of my support can be delivered online to international surfers who aren´t able to come to Portugal. If you are a surfer that:
  • Wants to increase the breath hold time
  • Improve confidence and mental control to tackle bigger waves in challenging conditions
  • Is looking to surf or tow in at Big Wave Spot in Nazaré
  • Is older than 40 years old and wants to improve surf readiness
  • Looking to overcome a traumatized surf session, such as a bigger hold down that become the root cause of high levels of anxiety when facing any wipeout or longer breath hold and limiting the surf progression
Then feel free to contact me and we can see If my training program is a good fit for you.

Ricardo Gomes


Certified Breatheology Instructor™

Lisbon, Portugal

Languages: Portuguese, English

Web: www.sportsbreathtraining.com